Daiwa Foundation Small Grants 2024

Daiwa Foundation Small Grants 2024

The Daiwa Foundation Small Grants 2024 is a significant funding opportunity aimed at enhancing UK-Japan relations. These grants provide financial support to innovative and collaborative projects that strengthen the cultural, academic, and professional ties between the two countries.

The grants are available for a wide range of disciplines, including academic research, the arts, education, and technology, making them accessible to various institutions and individuals.


What Are Daiwa Foundation Small Grants?

The Daiwa Foundation Small Grants are offered to support projects that foster better understanding between the United Kingdom and Japan. These grants aim to encourage lasting partnerships and collaborations across multiple fields, including culture, education, science, and the arts. The foundation primarily focuses on small to medium-sized projects that require a modest amount of funding to bring tangible results.

The grants are particularly suited for projects that contribute to the mutual understanding and relationship-building between these two nations. Whether through academic research, cultural performances, or innovative educational programs, the aim is to create meaningful connections that lead to long-term benefits for both countries.


Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Daiwa Foundation Small Grants, applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria. These criteria ensure that the grants are awarded to individuals and institutions capable of promoting and nurturing UK-Japan relations. The eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Geographic Eligibility: Applicants must be based in either the United Kingdom or Japan.
  • Professional Eligibility: Grants are open to individuals, institutions, and organizations that focus on cultural, academic, or educational work. Both professionals and academics can apply.
  • Partnership Requirement: While not mandatory, applications that demonstrate a collaboration between UK and Japanese institutions are highly encouraged.

Countries Covered

The primary focus of these grants is on projects that benefit both the UK and Japan. Therefore, applicants must be residents of either country. It is essential to show how your project will positively impact both nations, whether through cultural exchange, research, or other collaborative efforts.

Grant Categories

Daiwa Foundation Small Grants cover a variety of fields, each playing a role in strengthening UK-Japan relations. Here are the key categories:

Academic Research

Grants in this category support collaborative research between UK and Japanese institutions. The foundation encourages interdisciplinary projects that explore new ideas and contribute to the academic fields of both nations.

Arts and Culture

Cultural exchanges are a cornerstone of the foundation’s mission. This category supports exhibitions, performances, and other artistic endeavors that showcase the rich cultural heritage of both countries.

Educational Projects

This category focuses on initiatives that promote learning and educational collaboration between UK and Japanese institutions. Joint programs, student exchanges, and educational workshops are all eligible for funding.

Science and Technology

Grants in this category support innovation and technology-driven projects, particularly those that bring together UK and Japanese expertise in fields like robotics, engineering, and environmental science.

Application Process

Applying for the Daiwa Foundation Small Grants is a straightforward but competitive process. Follow these steps to ensure your application stands out:

Preparing Your Proposal

Your proposal should clearly outline the goals of your project, how it will benefit UK-Japan relations, and the expected outcomes. A well-written proposal is critical to securing funding, so make sure it is concise, well-structured, and compelling.

Documentation Required

  • A detailed project plan, including timelines and objectives.
  • A budget breakdown, showing how the grant funds will be used.
  • Letters of support or partnership from collaborating institutions, if applicable.

Funding Amounts and Limits

The Daiwa Foundation Small Grants typically provide funding between £3,000 and £7,000. This amount can cover a variety of expenses, including travel, equipment, and other project-related costs. However, grants are not intended to cover full project costs, so applicants are encouraged to seek additional funding from other sources.

Review and Selection Process

Applications are reviewed by a panel of experts who evaluate the project’s relevance to UK-Japan relations, the feasibility of the project, and the expected impact. The selection process also considers the applicant’s ability to complete the project within the proposed timeline and budget.

Project Impact and Reporting

Grantees are required to submit a report upon completion of the project, detailing the outcomes and how the grant contributed to the success of the initiative. This report helps the Daiwa Foundation assess the long-term impact of its funding and ensures accountability.

Case Studies of Successful Grants

Many successful projects have received funding through the Daiwa Foundation Small Grants program. For example, a recent grant supported a UK-Japan collaborative exhibition that brought traditional Japanese art to British audiences, fostering a deeper cultural appreciation between the two nations.


What types of projects are eligible for funding?

Projects in academic research, arts and culture, education, and science and technology are eligible for Daiwa Foundation Small Grants.

Can individuals apply for the grants, or is it limited to institutions?

Both individuals and institutions are welcome to apply as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

Is there a deadline for applications?

Yes, the foundation typically sets deadlines twice a year. Be sure to check the foundation’s website for the most current information.

How much funding can I request?

Grants range from £3,000 to £7,000, depending on the scope and needs of your project.

What is the main focus of the Daiwa Foundation Small Grants?

The primary focus is on projects that promote UK-Japan relations across various fields, including culture, education, and science.

Do I need to demonstrate a partnership between UK and Japanese institutions?

While not mandatory, applications that show collaboration between institutions in both countries are highly encouraged.


The Daiwa Foundation Small Grants 2024 offer a unique opportunity to contribute to the enhancement of UK-Japan relations through innovative and collaborative projects. Whether you’re involved in academic research, cultural exchange, or technology, these grants provide the financial support needed to make a meaningful impact.

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